Personal Budgeting tips
1) Analyzing your situation: One of the most important things when you are going to make a personal budget is analyzing your situation and be truthful about your income and expenses. Some of us have a tendency of leaving small expenses out of their budget but these small expenses may create big problems in future financial planning. So be sure you put every small expense in your budget.
2) Including Fun events in budget: Some times we exclude fun events from our budget. But we spend lots of money in clubs and other fun areas. So for an effective budget it is essential to include fun expenses also.
3) Budget for unexpected expenses: An important part of budgeting is miscellaneous expenses. We can’t guess these expenses. How strict you are in your budget, these expenses can’t be avoided. Now lets find out how these expenses occurs? Suppose your friend’s birthday invitation, a marriage invitation or a sudden car expenses happen then what! These expenses add some extra debt in your budget. So make sure that you have a provision of unexpected expenses in your budget.
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